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MOD: News+Blog
Updates and other items you might find interesting
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
MOD's residential services...now even smarter
Years of experience led to a "tried and true" process for MOD to deliver exceptional Residential Architectural Services as it started out in early 2011. Now, with even more experience, those services got another level of refinement: "MOD:focus". Learn more here.

Sunday, October 12, 2014
volksMOD evolves...
MOD's specialized residential consultation formerly known as "volksMOD" has evolved and is now: "MOD:spark". As many of MOD's Clients discovered, sometimes the simplest idea can spark a process that yields impressive results. Learn more here.

Saturday, September 27, 2014
MODriders - 2014 version
It was the best weather yet for a Tour de BBQ! The sun was out, the wind was light and everything was good, especially the cause - to fight back against cancer! The 2014 version of MODriders hit the suburban streets of south Kansas City, Leawood and Overland Park in the 6th annual Tour de BBQ. The 21-mile ride included stops at Fiorella's Jack Stack BBQ in Martin City, Murray's Tables and Tap and Burnt End BBQ. MODriders joined approximately 1,500 riders with a goal of raising $100,000 in the fight. Thanks to all involved for your donations, efforts and willingness to get out of a warm, comfortable bed early on a Saturday to ride!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014
MOD lids - schwag for the head
Once a year (usually coinciding with the Tour de BBQ), I focus a little time on some promotional items - practical stuff, not dust-collectors or paper weights. This was the year of the hat. This was the year of dilemma. Out of dozens of options and combinations - it came down to two and I could not decide! So, I didn't. Got some of each! Special thanks to Keith at Proforma IDology Marketing Group